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Basics of Effective Security Awareness Training

Did you know that a staggering 90 percent of successful breaches are caused by human error, making it critical for your organization to have ongoing Security Awareness Training as part of its security strategy? Lack of training in basic cybersecurity practices can cause your employees to fall victim to malicious social engineering and cause the spread of dangerous cyber threats in your network.

Security awareness training empowers employees to be part of your security solution. However, it’s not a “check the box” solution. In order to be effective, Security Awareness Training should include phishing simulations and ongoing training courses that follow the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) guidelines. The ability to track training activity and measure success toward your goals is also critical to the program’s overall success.

Many organizations recognize the importance of delivering Security Awareness Training but lack the expertise or resources to implement and manage a training program that follows these best practices. That’s when they turn to managed service providers (MSPs) like TPx.

TPx offers a managed Security Awareness Training program that includes randomized phishing simulation emails, which are sent to users regularly to test for vulnerability. Users that click the mock phishing emails are automatically enrolled in customized training to shore up their defenses.

Monthly training courses are available online, and TPx takes care of enrolling users and send regular reminders to start or complete training. We also send out weekly management reports that include assessment results and track progress toward your organization’s cybersecurity goals. To make it super simple, we use a training portal that allows users to access monthly training courses at any time, and many of our courses are available in multiple languages.

Why Should Your Organization Implement Security Awareness Training?

Adding a Security Awareness Training program can benefit your organization in many ways, such as:

  • Expanding awareness to reduce threats – Proactive training helps your employees learn how to recognize and avoid cyberattacks, significantly reducing cybersecurity risks.
  • Minimizing successful phishing attacksPhishing attacks account for more than 80 percent of reported cybercrime incidents. Training can dramatically reduce your organization’s phishing exposure.
  • Reducing costs – Cyberattacks are expensive. A well-developed Security Awareness Training program can reduce the risks of costly data breaches, downtime, reputational harm, and more. For many organizations, the ability to outsource Security Awareness Training ensures that affordable, up-to-date training is delivered reliably without draining vital internal IT resources.

Why Should You Choose TPx for Security Awareness Training?

TPx offers a fully managed Security Awareness Training program with the following benefits:

  • Turnkey solution – TPx handles all setup and support — from onboarding to building training and phishing campaigns to 24/7 tech support — to reduce management costs.
  • NIST-recommended curriculum – TPx follows the NIST guidelines to ensure instruction on the right topics at the right time. Training is delivered at regular intervals to improve retention and drive positive behavior changes.
  • Expert content – As a leading provider of managed security solutions, TPx leverages real-world experience to provide engaging and relevant content that keeps users interested and focused on learning.

Training Works!

Security Awareness Training is key to having strong cybersecurity across your organization. In fact, data from Infosec Inc. indicates that nearly 29 percent of untrained end users are susceptible to phishing attacks and will fail phishing tests. However, after one year of monthly simulated phishing tests and regular training, that rate drops to as low as 1 percent. That shows a real change in user behavior and illustrates why training programs like the one offered by TPx are so valuable.

For more information or to watch a demo, see our cybersecurity training awareness page or call: 855-924-1393 to see how we can help.

Here are some additional resources you can use:

10 Things Business Management Needs to Understand About Cybersecurity
Common Cybersecurity Threats SMBs are Facing
VIDEO: Understanding Managed Endpoints in 2 Minutes

About the Author

Joe Royer is the Product Manager for IT and Cloud services at TPx. He has 25 years of industry experience in sales, consulting and product management for several leading MSPs.