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Keeping Families Connected with UCx with Webex

White Oaks Rehabilitation and Nursing Center leverages TPx’s UCx to provide reliable communication between residents and their families.

The Challenge

To provide the greatest level of care for its residents, White Oaks depends on reliable communication, which was a challenge with their outdated phone system. The original PBX infrastructure was built in 1972 with minor updates over the years, which caused communications disruptions for the staff and residents alike.

Quick Facts

Located in Woodbury, NY

 IT responsibilities of the 200-bed facility are maintained by a single IT professional.

The Opportunity

White Oaks experienced frequent hours-long downtime due to corroded 40-year-old POTS lines and end-of-life phone and fax equipment.

The Solution

Results + Benefits

Reliable communication for residents and staff. Offload of IT workload due to reduced downtime. Residents and staff benefited from having reliable communications in place to better navigate unexpected turmoil in 2020.

About White Oaks Rehabilitation and Nursing Center

White Oaks Rehabilitation and Nursing Center is a family owned and operated healthcare facility in Woodbury, New York that provides care to those needing short- and long-term rehabilitation.

“With TPx, everything has gotten 100% better. Our phones never go down, and when we have the occasional issue, all I have to do is call customer service and they quickly resolve it. Working with TPx has taken a weight off my shoulders.”

Edwin Frias, IT Director

It Was Time to Move Communications to the Cloud

White Oaks began experiencing frequent outages often lasting hours at a time due to the corroded 40-year-old POT lines. The downtime not only made it more difficult for employees to do their jobs efficiently, but it also kept residents from being able to call their families.

The phone and fax equipment were also reaching end of life. The equipment was constantly breaking, leaving the staff frustrated and causing latency in communication. The residents experienced similar issues with the analog phones, providing inconsistent resident communications.

Success by the Numbers


Year-old PBX infrastructure upgraded to modern cloud-based unified communications.


Year-old POTS lines and end-of-life phone and fax equipment upgraded.

24/ 0

Service and support

The Solution: Cloud-Based Unified Communications

White Oaks knew it was time for an update. As a privately owned business dedicated to serving the community, it was important for White Oaks to find an affordable unified communications solution. The rehab and nursing facility needed to update their IT services without pulling resources from providing superior care to their residents.

Edwin Frias, IT Director, was tasked with finding an affordable solution for their communication needs. He knew that replacing the outdated equipment would be expensive, so he began sourcing and comparing quotes from possible carriers. After comparing all the quotes, TPx was the clear choice for quality, affordability and reliability.

It was important to Frias to not sacrifice quality for a competitive solution. “With TPx’s UCx , I was able to bring a reliable unified communications solution into White Oaks,” said Frias. “TPx provided quality services at a right price point.”

Superior Service and Support

As the lone IT professional on the White Oaks campus, Frias depends on great customer service from his IT vendors. Beyond having a reliable solution, Frias prioritized an IT provider that could deliver on a great customer service experience.

When White Oaks had outages on their old infrastructure, the responsibility to solve the issue would fall to Frias no matter the date or time, with little help from their existing provider. After partnering with TPx, White Oaks has a more reliable solution with 24/7 service and support. Frias said, “With TPx, everything has gotten 100% better. Our phones never go down, and when we have the occasional issue, all I have to do is call customer service and they quickly resolve it. Working with TPx has taken a weight off my shoulders because their customer service is always on.”

The Results

UCx made it easier for White Oaks to navigate the turmoil caused by the pandemic. Like so many businesses, the need for more communication increased at the onset. With an easy-to-use and reliable solution, White Oaks was able to focus on the health of their residents without the unnecessary “stressors” of unexpected downtime.

With safety precautions put in place to keep residents safe during COVID-19, having reliable phone and video conferencing service for residents helped keep families connected even when they were unable to visit in person.

Additional Resources

Five Advantages of Modern Healthcare Phone Systems

Modern healthcare phone systems offer several advantages that enable providers to deliver a better patient experience, which we’ll cover in this blog.

The Ultimate 2022 Healthcare Cybersecurity Checklist

Healthcare providers need to establish comprehensive security protocols. We’ve put together the ultimate checklist to ensure your healthcare cybersecurity is up to par.