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Basic Navigation in Dash

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  5. Basic Navigation in Dash

The initial customer page in Dash has navigation links on the left and a list of active items on the main/right side of the page. This section lists active customer requests, active orders, active service tickets, and active projects. Use the Add link at the top right of the Active Customer Requests section to add a new request to the system.

NOTE: Active items include any open items and those completed in the past ten days.

The primary links are listed on the left and include:

  • Company name (and TPx logo at the top left): Click to return the main summary page.
  • Company details: Lists information about your company.
  • Accounts: Lists all TPx billing accounts for your company.
  • Addresses: Lists active addresses for your company.
  • Billing summary: View summary billing data for your account(s), download TPx invoices (by clicking the Invoice number link on the Account Summary tab), view a summary of invoices, and view billing reports.
  • Contacts: Lists active contacts for your company.
  • Projects: Lists all projects for your company. A project is one or more orders that were created for a signed quote/contract.
  • Quotes: Lists all of the sold quotes/contracts with TPx.
  • Requests: Lists all of the requests for your company. Learn more about adding a new request to the system.
  • Assets: Lists all of the assets assigned to your company. Filter this list by loading address and account pages.
  • Circuits: Lists all of the circuits associated with your company.
  • Domains: Lists any Internet domains that are hosted by TPx. If you do host your domain with TPx, you can manage the DNS records in this system.
  • IP Addresses: Lists all IP blocks assigned to your company.
  • Orders: This initially loads the orders added in the past 90 days, but you can expand this by clicking the Show drop-down list at the top left. You have the ability to view portions of the orders in the TPx system — including any “public” notes that have been added to them.
  • Telephone Numbers: Lists all TNs associated with your company.
  • Service Tickets: This initially loads the service tickets added in the past 90 days, but you can expand this by clicking the Show drop-down list at the top left. You have the ability to view portions of the tickets in the TPx system, including any “public” notes that have been added to them.

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