MSx Managed Power Self Help Resources
Auto Attendant with UCx SmartVoice
An Auto Attendant automatically transfers callers to an extension, hunt group, call center, or general voice mailbox without the intervention of a receptionist. Multiple submenus can be linked together in a hierarchal fashion, creating a fully interactive menu structure. At any step, the caller can reach a receptionist or operator by dialing 0.
UCx SmartVoice Voice Portal and Voicemail Guide
The UCx SmartVoice Voice Portal and Voicemail Guide (PDF) provides an overview of:
UCx SmartVoice Feature Access Codes
The UCx SmartVoice Features Guide (PDF) provides a quick reference to the following features:
UCx SmartVoice Account Codes
Account Codes are a powerful tool for managing expenses and reducing fraud. An Account Code is a numeric code entered by a user prior to making an outgoing call. It can be used to track calls for a specific user, department, or project. Account Codes are available with all UCx SmartVoice services.