Increasing Customer Satisfaction with Cloud Communications
Cambridge Security Seals leverages UCx with Webex to create a culture of continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.
The Challenge and Opportunity
Cambridge Security Seals (CSS) needed to replace an outdated phone system with a reliable MSP where they could lock in better pricing for a longer contract period. Since their customers rely on CSS custom seals for their own day-to-day operations, its manufacturing facility runs 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to ensure a short lead time — operations and communications uptime is critical.
Quick Facts
Cambridge Security Seals is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company
CSS houses its customer service center on the same campus as its manufacturing, engineering, R&D, and sales departments
The Solution
UCx with Webex unified communications and collaboration tools plus managed IT support and backup services.
The Benefits
Lower cost, superior service for critical IT support, precise hardware matching and a ransomware-protected backup solution.
The Results
The day-to-day workflow is simpler and more streamlined. No more worries about bad connections or dropped calls.
About Cambridge Security Seals
Headquartered in Pomona, New York, Cambridge Security Seals (CSS) is one of the world’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of tamper-evident, tamper-resistant, and high-security loss prevention seals, track-and-trace devices, and allied products to meet the growing needs of customers across a wide range of industries worldwide. Cambridge is dedicated to a culture of continuous improvement.

“The services TPx provides are near flawless. It makes it easier to come to work knowing that you have a company like TPx backing you up.”
Paul Scheidegger, IT Operations Manager
The Challenge
Since unexpected downtime and other lapses in production can negatively impact their promise to their customers, reliability was a top priority when Paul Scheidegger, the IT Operations Manager, began looking for a vendor to replace CSS’s existing unified communications. As the sole IT professional on the premises, Paul relies on systems and solutions that run consistently and smoothly. “Because I’m the only IT guy here, I can’t afford to have downtime,” Paul admitted.
Another primary focus for Paul was to partner with a Managed Services Provider (MSP) that allowed for an extended contract that would eliminate the need to look for a new vendor every few years. It was also important to Paul to have an MSP that provided the same superior level of customer service that CSS provided for their own customers.
The Solution
When CSS’s old contract was about to expire, Paul began exploring his options. While he required a reliable communications solution with superior service, he also needed a solution within their price point. UCx with Webex was what Paul was looking for.
TPx’s UCx with Webex not only provided the technology necessary to replace the older phone system, but it would also allow CSS employees to have a new level of flexibility since they could use the service from any location. Since he owns the entire IT function at CSS, Paul was also interested in the other integrated services that would allow him to expedite and consolidate service issues.
Ultimately, it was TPx’s offer of an extended contract at a lower price than the previous carrier that convinced Paul to switch to TPx.
Superior Service and Support
Paul is glad he made the switch. “We’ve been TPx customers for three years now and aside from a few power-outage related incidents, I can’t remember TPx ever being down during that time,” says Paul. He appreciates that, during the rare times when the phone modem went down, TPx automatically logged a ticket on his behalf. “In the old days, I would have had to call and troubleshoot. I’m now able to focus on what needs to be done here instead of waiting on hold on the phone. I know that TPx is taking care of it.”
Paul also opted for TPx’s email and backup services and enjoys knowing his company is protected. “I don’t have to worry about our data. I know it’s protected and backed up every day so I can restore it if I need to. And TPx’s backup service is ransomware protected so it detects ransomware before it even tries to do the backup.”
Phone Management Made Easy
Paul likes that he is the actual administrator of CSS’s phone system. Thanks to the available UCx with Webex Admin Portal, he can log into the interface himself and make necessary changes. He can add new users, change account information, and manage tickets. “It’s nice because I don’t have to call TPx to make these changes. Many carriers don’t allow their customers this kind of control.”
“I also like that when we signed up, TPx provided all of the hardware needed so we know it’s the right hardware to use for this system. It takes the guesswork out, so we know the system is working optimally,” says Paul.
The Results
Ultimately, Paul’s favorite part about working with TPx is the peace of mind that comes from knowing TPx has his back. “The services TPx provides are nearly flawless. They just make everything easier for us,” he says. “The day-to-day workflow has become simpler and more streamlined. And I know when people come to work and log into their system, they are able to reliably connect with the end users. We don’t have to worry about a bad connection or dropped calls. That kind of stuff doesn’t happen with TPx. It makes it easier to come to work knowing that you have a company like TPx backing you up.”
Additional Resources
Unified Communications 101 - What is UCaaS?
In this digital learning hub, you'll learn everything there is to know about about unified communications and why businesses are adopting this emerging form communications. Modern workforces small and large are benefitting from UCaaS technology and the capabilities it has to offer.
Everybody is In: UCx with Webex
UCx with Webex brings everyone in. No matter how or where you work, the new UCx with Webex connects you and all your teammates in the style that fits you best. With innovative encryption and countless messaging features, you’ll settle into the most efficient way you do business. Take a look at this video to learn more about what UCx with Webex can do for your team.