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TPx Support Center

Calling Plans

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  3. Calling Plans
  4. Calling Plans

NOTE: To make changes to these settings, please contact your group administrator.

With the Calling Plans page of the UCx Web Portal, you can view the calling plans that your administrator has assigned to you.

To access these pages, log in to and click the Calling Plans link on the left-hand menu.

  • Incoming Calling Plan: view the calling plan rules for your incoming calls.
  • Outgoing Calling Plan: view the calling plan rules for your outgoing calls.
  • Outgoing Digit Plan: view the digit calling plan rules for your outgoing calls.
  • Outgoing Pinhole Digit Plan: view your Outgoing Pinhole Digit Plan (OPDP) rules. The OPDP is used to override restrictions imposed by your Outgoing Calling Plan and Outgoing Digit Plan by authorizing calls to specific destinations.

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