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- Configure LDAP Integration in the Receptionist Client
LDAP settings allow you integrate an LDAP directory with Receptionist.
Before starting, make sure you have correctly imported a valid certificate in the Java Keystore (JKS) with the keytool.
To import a certificate:
- Click Start and then select Run…
- Type “cmd” and click OK.
- Type “<Java Runtime Path>\bin\keytool -import -alias <aliasname> -file <path><certificate file name> -keystore %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\security\cacerts”.
To verify the certificate:
- Click Start and select Run…
- Type “cmd” and click OK.
- Type “<Java Runtime Path>\bin\keytool -printcert -file <path><certificate file name>”.
The LDAP directory options are as follows:
- Enable/Disable LDAP Integration – This determines whether Receptionist provides LDAP directory lookup services. Clicking the Enable LDAP Integration button enables the controls for LDAP settings.
- LDAP Hostname – This is the network address of the LDAP server.
- LDAP Port – This is the port number for the LDAP server. This is compulsory and can be obtained from your system administrator.
- Search Base – The text box determines the location in the LDAP server tree that Receptionist looks in when executing a search. The check box, when checked, searches all sub-trees within the search base until the specifications are found.
- Encrypt Connection – This option determines whether Receptionist uses encryption when connecting to the LDAP server. Note that if encryption is enabled, you may have to use a different port.
- (“cn=_ _Search_ _Text”) – This option specifies an additional search filter to apply to all directory searches. For example, to include the search criteria in the filter you must include (cn=*__SEARCH_TEXT__*). Alternatively, in another example, “(telephoneNumber=*)” restricts search results to users who have a telephone number assigned.
- Attribute Mapping – This table controls the way that Receptionist maps attributes returned from the directory server to columns displayed in the list of search results. In each row of the table, enter an LDAP attribute in the Remote Attribute column. Enter a corresponding local attribute in the Local Attribute column. Typical Remote Attribute values are “cn”, “sn”, “telephoneNumber”, “mobile”, “homePhone”, and “mail”.
- Authentication Required – When this box is checked, Receptionist must provide a user name and password to the directory server to conduct searches.
- DN – This is the user name that Receptionist uses when connecting to the LDAP server when Authentication Required is checked.
- Password – This is the password that corresponds to the authentication DN.
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