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Configure Screen Pop URLs in the Receptionist Client

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  3. Receptionist Client Administration
  4. Configure Screen Pop URLs in the Receptionist Client

The Screen Pop settings configure a URL that may be launched on incoming calls. It is configured within the Receptionist client on the Settings – General tab as follows:

  • Enter URL This text box allows you to enter the URL address of the web page that Receptionist opens with Web Pop URL button in the Call Notification pop-up window.
  • Auto pop for Incoming Calls – When this option is checked, Receptionist launches the Web Pop URL without requiring the user to click the Web Pop URL button for each incoming call.

The Screen Pop URL can point to any address, but typically points to a web application that parses optional call parameters and passes them to a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application or other database.  For example:

In this example, the URL passes the incoming calling number and the service provider ID to the web application at  The web application formats the data for the applicable database and launches the web page.

There are a number of optional parameters that the Receptionist client can pass through the browser:

  • __USER__:  The user’s ID (note that in this case, the “user” is the subscriber)
  • __FIRST__:  The first name of the user
  • __LAST__:  The last name of the user
  • __EMAIL__:  The e-mail address of the user
  • __GROUP__:  The name of the  group to which the user belongs
  • __SERVICE_PROVIDER__:  The name of the service provider to which the user belongs
  • __PHONE__:  The phone number of the user
  • __REMOTE_PHONE__:  The phone number of the remote party
  • __REMOTE_NAME__:  The name of the remote party (when available)
  • __CALL_TYPE__:  “Incoming” or “Outgoing”
  • __DNIS_NAME__:  The name of the DNIS on which the call was received
  • __DNIS_PHONE__:  The phone number of the DNIS on which the call was received

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