TPx Support Center

Dash Features and Benefits

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  3. Dash Customer Web Portal
  4. Welcome to Dash
  5. Dash Features and Benefits

Dash is a convenient, easy-to-use online management system that puts control of your TPx account and services at your fingertips.

Control. Visibility. Knowledge.

Dash provides you the visibility and control to help make running your business easier. Update many aspects of your account. View billing data, contacts, projects, assets, services, graphs and more.

Key benefits

  • Eliminate cumbersome paper invoices with online access to billing statements
  • Pull call detail records for tracking and reporting purposes
  • Quick access to quoted, in-process, and installed services

Key Features

As a TPx customer, you can use the Dash Customer Web Portal ( to access and update many aspects of your account.

You can use this system to view accounts, addresses, billing data (including invoices and view related reports), contacts, projects, sold quotes, assets, circuits (along with data bandwidth graphs), domains (including DNS management), IP addresses, orders, telephone numbers and more. Additionally, you have access to add new addresses, perform basic edits of addresses, add new contacts, edit contacts (including managing Dash access for other contacts at your company), add documents to an open order and add a new request to the system.

Click here to see the Dash Datasheet

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