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Call Types

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  4. Call Types

Call Types define different types of calls measured in call center statistics.

Name Description
ACD Call This is a call delivered to a call center pilot number that is directed to an agent via the ACD function.
Inbound Call This is a direct call to an agent.Other calls treated as inbound calls include:

  • Calls that a supervisor retrieves from a queue
  • Calls that an agent receives due to a transfer from another agent.

(Note that they may have originated as ACD calls.)

Outbound Call This is an outbound call made by an agent.
Held Call This is an ACD call that was placed on hold by an agent. Each time an agent places a call on hold, it is counted as a held call.
Transferred Call
This is an ACD call that was transferred to another number.Transfers can be the result of manual transfers by agents, transfers to voice mail because the calls were timed out, and transfers by supervisors to alternate queues.

NOTE: A timed-out call is a call that is transferred due to exceeding the maximum wait time in a queue.

Answered Call This is an ACD call that was answered by an agent.
Abandoned Call This is an ACD call that entered the queue, but the caller hung up before the call was answered or transferred.
Received Call This is an ACD call that was received and either answered or abandoned. Overflowed calls are not included.
Overflowed Call This is an ACD call that was received, but immediately transferred to another destination due to the queue’s exceeding the configured maximum queue size or the configured maximum wait time.
Queued Call This is an ACD call that is not immediately diverted using the Night Service, Holiday Service, Forced Forwarding, or Overflow, and goes to a queue to be distributed to an agent or to wait for an available agent
Bounced Call This is a call that has been transferred back to queue because it was not answered by an agent in the specified time.
Stranded Call This is a call that is in a queue after all agents assigned to the queue have moved to the Sign-Out ACD state.


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