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Phone States

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  4. Phone States

Phone states show the state of the monitored agent’s telephone line or the supervisor’s telephone line.

For supervisors, the phone states are displayed as follows:

Icon Phone State Description
receptionist-contact-state-available Idle Supervisor is not on a call (phone is on-hook).
receptionist-contact-state-busy Busy Supervisor is on a call (phone is off-hook).
receptionist-contact-state-away Ringing A call is being delivered to the supervisor (phone is in alerting state).
receptionist-contact-state-dnd Do Not Disturb Supervisor has enabled the Do Not Disturb service.
receptionist-contact-state-private Private Supervisor has enabled phone state privacy.NOTE: This terminates monitoring of the supervisor’s phone state for the current session. To monitor their phone state again, you must sign out and then sign in after the supervisor has disabled privacy.
receptionist-contact-state-cfa Call Forwarding Always Supervisor has enabled the Call Forwarding Always service.
Call-Center-Status-Unknown Unknown Supervisor is currently not monitored.

For Agents, the phone states are combined with their ACD states and are displayed as follows:


Phone State ACD State Icon Description
Idle Available Available Agent’s phone is on-hook and the agent is available to take ACD calls.
Ringing Available Available-Yellow Agent’s phone is ringing and the agent is available to take the call.
Any Unavailable, Sign-in, Sign-Out Unavailable Agent is not available to take ACD calls.
Idle, Ringing Wrap-Up receptionist-contact-state-ringing Agent is performing post call work. They may or may not be available to take calls.
Busy Available, Wrap-Up Unavailable Agent’s phone is off-hook, which means that the agent is on a call.Calls may be delivered to agents depending on their call waiting settings and the call center’s call waiting and wrap-up settings.
Do Not Disturb Any DND Agent has enabled the Do Not Disturb service.ACD calls are not delivered to an agent in the Do Not Disturb call state.

This state is not recommended for Call Center agents. Agents should use the Unavailable ACD state when they need to block new incoming calls temporarily.

Call Forwarding Always Any Call-Forward-Always Agent has enabled the Call Forwarding Always service.
Private Any Private Agent has enabled phone status privacy.NOTE: This terminates monitoring of the agent’s phone state for the current login session. To be able to monitor their phone state again, you must sign out and then sign in after the agent has disabled their phone state privacy.
Unknown Any Unknown Agent is currently not monitored.


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