MSx Managed Power Self Help Resources
Main Menu of Dash Customer Web Portal
When you log in to Dash, you’ll see a Dashboard of the open items on your account. From any other page in Dash, you can click on the TPx logo in the top left corner to go back to the Dashboard.
General Menu in Dash Customer Web Portal
The General menu in Dash contains the following items. Select an item from the main menu on the left side of the screen.
Billing Summary Menu in Dash Customer Web Portal
Use the Billing menu in Dash to get detailed billing information about your TPx account. You’ll either see the information directly in Dash, or get a link to view this information in our OneCentral Portal.
Sales Menu in Dash Customer Web Portal
The Sales menu in Dash contains the following items. Select an item from the main menu on the left side of the screen.
Provisioning Menu in Dash Customer Web Portal
The Provisioning section of Dash provides an overall account review that includes assets (equipment on site), circuits, and telephone numbers. The Addresses section under the General menu provides much of the same information on a location-by-location basis.