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Contact the UCx Customer Care Repair Team

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  6. Contact the UCx Customer Care Repair Team

The UCx Customer Care Repair Team is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help resolve any problems with your UCx services.  Refer to Contact Us.

Whether you call day or night, you will always speak with a live person and will never be shuffled off to voicemail. What’s more, while your problem is being resolved, we will stay in touch with you so you’ll always know exactly what is happening.

For non-urgent issues, you may submit a request with the Dash customer portal. We will address your request during regular business hours (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday). You’ll be able to use Dash to track the trouble ticket’s progress or add new details to your request. For critical or urgent issues, please call us.

Before You Call…

If you need to contact the Customer Care Repair Team, you will need to provide certain information in order for us to assist you. Having this information available when you call will save time and allow us to serve you better.

When reporting a problem, please be prepared to provide the following details:

  • Your billing telephone number and business name.
  • The trouble ticket number, if the problem has already been reported.
  • The contact information for the party to be updated on the progress of the repair.
  • The street address for the location of the problem (this may or may not be the address from which your call originates).
  • The hours (including weekend hours) for which the site of the problem can be accessed by a technician, if necessary.
  • The name of the on-site contact, if this is a different person from the one reporting the problem.
  • The circuit ID. The circuit ID can be found under “Circuits” in the Dash customer portal, or can be identified on Network Interface Equipment (NIU). The NIU is usually located in the telecommunications closet; the device measures 10” x 6” and is a light tan color. On the NIU, you will see the circuit ID in a format such as Circuit ID 95.HCGS.123456.

Should you experience an issue with a particular UCx user, the following information will also help us:

  • The user name, telephone number, or MAC ID for the phone.
  • Call samples, including the date, time, number called, what occurred during the call, if there were any recordings, etc. We can check our systems to find the call and review the call records.
  • We may also need to work closely with you, or the user reporting the issue, to do live call captures.

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