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Are Your Network Operations Keeping Up?

Businesses are faced with new challenges and demands every day. Customers are constantly looking for more from businesses and employees need the right tools to keep up with that demand. If that wasn’t challenging enough add the increase in cyberattacks and threats into the mix. As businesses rise to the challenges, their network operations and infrastructure might be unable to keep up.

A company’s network is the underlying computer and software infrastructure that keeps it running on a daily basis and is responsible for all business-critical operations. As new solutions are implemented, technologies change, and employees work from many devices on the go, organizations should ensure their network operations can keep up.

The Top Challenges Facing Your Network Operations Today

So, what exactly are the unique challenges facing a business’s network operations today? First, constantly adopting and implementing new technology means your network might be struggling to keep up. The average business runs 88 different software applications according to a recent Okta Business at Work report, all of which are constantly being updated to new versions. Second, there is an increased need for cybersecurity: according to a Check Point Research report, cyberattacks rose 38% year over year from 2021 to 2022. Proactively identifying and patching weaknesses is critical to maintaining a secure network. Third, according to research by ZIPPIA, 66% of American employees are working remotely at least part-time, opening up endpoint devices to security risks and increasing the strain on the overall network.

How to Evaluate Your Network Operations

Now that you know the intense pressure your network faces, it’s critical to evaluate its current state to see what’s missing. From cybersecurity scrutiny to data privacy to operational visibility, all these are areas to question when assessing your network operations. One valuable stress test is the Network Security Evaluation (NSE).

What Is a Network Security Evaluation (NSE)?

For a comprehensive and exhaustive deep dive, a Network Security Evaluation (NSE) is an excellent framework designed to assess vulnerabilities and productivity drains on your network. Businesses can run a fast and free NSE through TPx to quickly identify security risks and understand their network usage. At zero cost, TPx’s industry-leading team of experts will monitor key indicators within the network. After this robust assessment, businesses will receive a Network Security Evaluation Report highlighting key areas of weakness and improvement when it comes to security, productivity, and network utilization. These are invaluable insights into understanding and improving your network operations.

How TPx’s Free Network Security Evaluation Can Help Your Network Operations

TPx’s free NSE is simple and fast to implement in a few easy steps:

  • Our solutions architect installs the NSE device at your business.
  • We can also ship you a kit with detailed instructions.
  • Traffic logs are collected for 3-7 business days.
  • Our expert team will generate a comprehensive report to discuss with you.
  • Ship the CTAP device back to us.

Sign up for your free Network Security Evaluation. Want to dive deeper into improving your network operations strategy? Check out our e-book for a comprehensive computer network strategy for small to medium-sized businesses.