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Call States in the Call Center Client

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  4. Call States in the Call Center Client

The following table lists the possible call states and actions that can be performed in each state.

Call State Display Name Display Icon Call Personality Call Actions
Ringing In (Local) Incoming Local receptionist-call-state-ringing-in Click-To-Dial Answer, End
Ringing In (Remote) Incoming receptionist-call-state-ringing-in Terminator Answer, Conference, End
Ringing Out, Outgoing Outgoing receptionist-call-state-ringing-out Originator Conference, End
Active Active receptionist-call-state-active Any Transfer, Hold, End, Conference
On Hold Held receptionist-call-state-on-hold Any Transfer, Resume, End, Conference
On Hold (Remote) Remote Held receptionist-call-state-on-hold Any Transfer, Hold, End, Conference
Active (In Conference) Active receptionist-call-state-conference Conference Transfer, Hold, End
Held (In Conference) Held receptionist-call-state-conference-hold Conference Resume, Transfer, End
Ringing In (Recalled Call) Call Recalled receptionist-call-state-ringing-in Terminator Answer, Conference, End


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