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Downloading the Mobile Identity App

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  3. Mobile Identity
  4. Downloading the Mobile Identity App

The Mobile Identity app is available as a free download from the Google Play Store and iTunes.

Download and Setup for iPhone

  1. Select the App Store icon on your iPhone.
  2. In the search window, enter TPx Mobile Identity.
  3. Tap Install.
  4. Accept the end-user license agreement when it is displayed.
  5. On the Login page, enter:
    1. User Name: [email protected] (the first ten digits are your SmartVoice phone number)
    2. Password: Your assigned password
    3. Phone number: Your mobile number (this may auto-populate)
  6. Select Login.

Mobile Identity - iPhone login

Download and Setup for Android

  1. Select the Play Store icon from your Android device.
  2. In the Search bar, enter TPx Mobile Identity.
  3. In the results window, select TPx Mobile Identity.
  4. Tap Install, then Accept & Download.
  5. Once installed, launch the app and accept the end user license agreement.
  6. On the Login page, enter:
    1. User Name: [email protected] (the first ten digits are your SmartVoice phone number)
    2. Password: Your assigned password
    3. Phone number: Your mobile number (this may auto-populate)
  7. Select Login.

Mobile Identity - Android login

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