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- Advanced Features in Incoming Calls Menu
- Priority Alert
Priority Alert rings your phone with a different ringtone based on pre-defined criteria. Use this service if you want to know when a specific person calls, or when you would like to easily tell when a call is from inside your group or outside your group. The criteria for each Priority Alert entry can be a list of up to 12 phone numbers or digit patterns and specified time schedules.
Access the Priority Alert Page
- Log in to ucx.telepacific.com.
- Click Incoming Calls on the left-hand menu.
- On the Incoming Calls page, click the Priority Alert link in the Advanced column.
- The Priority Alert page opens.
Add Priority Alert Criteria
- On the Priority Alert page, click the Add button. The Priority Alert Add page opens.
- In the Description field, enter a description for the alert.
- To enable the alert, select Use priority alert. To disable the alert, select Do not use priority alert.
- Use the Selected Time Schedule dropdown to specify the time schedule for this service.
- Use the Selected Holiday Schedule dropdown to specify the holiday schedule for this service.
NOTE: Click here for more information on time and holiday schedules. If you haven’t set up any schedules yet, your only choices on the Priority Alert Add page will be:
- Selected Time Schedule: “Every Day All Day” and any group- or enterprise-level time schedules
- Selected Holiday Schedule: “None” and any group- or enterprise-level holiday schedules
- Use the Calls from box to specify which calls will trigger an alert:
- Select Any external phone number for alerts on all calls except for those from internal extensions.
- For alerts on calls from specific phone numbers, select Following phone numbers and enter up to 12 specific 10-digit phone numbers in the Specific phone numbers boxes.
NOTE: You can use wild cards. Use ? to replace a single digit anywhere in the digit string, or * at the end of a group of digits. (Examples: 45055512?4, 450555??34, 4505?5*)
NOTE: If you need to add more than 12 phone numbers, create multiple Priority Alert entries.
- Check Any private number to receive alerts on all calls from private numbers.
- Check Any unavailable number to receive alerts on all calls from unavailable numbers.
- Use the Calls To box to apply Priority Alert to specific numbers. Select the numbers by moving them to the Selected Call To Numbers In the Available Call To Numbers column, select the number(s) and click Add, or click Add All to select all numbers. To remove numbers from the Selected Call To Numbers column, select the numbers to remove and click Remove, or click Remove All to remove all numbers.Check Any unavailable number to receive alerts on all calls from unavailable numbers.
NOTE: If no numbers are selected, this field is ignored.
- Click OK to save changes. You are returned to the Priority Alert page. The new entry appears with the Active box checked.
Modify Priority Alert Criteria
On the Priority Alert page, locate the Priority Alert entry you want to modify. Then:
- To deactivate the entry without deleting or making changes to it, uncheck the Active box for that entry. To reactivate, check the Active box again.
- To make changes to an entry, click the Edit link for that entry. The Priority Alert Modify page opens. Follow the steps used to create the entry (see above), then click OK to save changes.
- To delete an entry, click the Edit link for that entry, then click the Delete button. The entry is immediately deleted, and you are returned to the Priority Alert page.
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