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Inbox Detection and Response: The Holy Grail of Email Security?

In today’s highly digital world, email security represents a classic scenario of good versus evil. On one side, cyber thieves use phishing and malware attacks to seize upon an organization’s vulnerabilities, like the legendary Black Knight seeking a weak spot in King Arthur’s armor. Alternatively, email security tools shield against intruders, just as Excalibur once protected King Arthur from the attacks of his foes.

One form of protection can only go so far, however. As cyberattacks become more sophisticated, businesses should not rely on a single, basic solution for email security. Instead, incorporating a layered approach that utilizes Inbox Detection and Response (IDR) offers a more comprehensive form of protection against phishing and malware attacks.

What Is IDR?

IDR software enables users to report suspicious emails, notifying tech personnel of potential threats to the network. By training users to recognize malicious messages, phishing attacks and malware can be detected and quarantined before someone else within the organization is targeted. Prompt alerting can also help identify suspect IP addresses to block, helping to thwart future attacks.

Why Is IDR important?

Generic email security is only as effective as the user’s willingness to apply best practices. If staff members are not taught how to recognize phishing emails or suspicious links, they remain ripe for attack. Basic email security relies on filters for protection, but malicious emails can still find their way to users’ inboxes. Without the addition of IDR tools, users and the organization’s network are at risk.

What Makes IDR the Holy Grail?

As cyber thieves and their attack methods continue to evolve, off-the-shelf email security software cannot feasibly sequester every threat. But using a layered approach that couples this automatic monitoring with IDR and sufficient user training ensure an effective defense against those who wish to harm your organization. Further, reports of suspicious activity offer insight into the latest threats, which can be used to improve security protocols and enhance future training efforts.

The phrase “holy grail” has long been used to describe an ideal that is hard to achieve. IDR is the Holy Grail of email security because it goes beyond basic spam capabilities and provides a comprehensive layer of knowledge and protection that can help stop phishing and malware attacks before others fall victim. Learn more about TPx’s IDR Tool and how it can enhance your organization’s email security.

For a limited time, when you purchase Managed Inbox Detection and Response from TPx, you’ll get Security Awareness Training for your team free of charge. Talk to a TPx representative today and learn how these two solutions can boost your email security and keep your organization secure.