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The Dos and Don’ts of Data Backup and Recovery

In the event of a cybersecurity attack or hardware malfunction, there is no better feeling than realizing your organization has a full data backup in a secure location. Proactive managed backups help minimize data loss and downtime and can even recover stolen files in the event of a ransomware attack. Data backup and recovery helps your business quickly return to normal operations, minimizing the cost of downtime when it comes to lost productivity, revenue, and lost data. Here are a few basic dos and don’ts of data backup and recovery.

❌ Don’t Depend on a Single Backup

The fact of the matter is that accidents, ransomware attacks, and outages happen. You need to be prepared for when it happens to your business, which is why having data back and recovery practices in place is critical. But what happens if your systems go down and your backup doesn’t work? If you’re relying on a single backup, you could be putting your organization at risk.

✅ Do Utilize the 3-2-1 Rule for Backups

While a single backup is still better than nothing, it’s smarter to have multiple copies. The 3-2-1 rule of backups states businesses need three copies: one primary and two backups. They should also be stored on two different types of media, and one copy should be kept off-site and unconnected. Having cloud-based backups along with backups in a different locations prevents the risk of something corrupting your data backup and recovery.

❌ Don’t Just Backup Data

Your organization’s data is often useless without the right application settings and software infrastructure. In the case of an outage or a cyberattack, you need more than just data to return to business as usual. Without software and application settings saved as well, your employees will not be able to return to work quickly, resulting in lost productivity and revenue.

✅ Do Backup Everything

An effective data backup and recovery strategy involves backing up more than just data – you need to backup everything from data to systems and software. If you’re not backing up your systems and software, then you could risk losing all the administrative controls and settings you have in place if they go down. Having a comprehensive backup of your infrastructure ensures you can get your systems back up and running efficiently.

❌ Don’t Use Outdated Backups to Restore Systems

In the event you need a backup, using an outdated one can be problematic. Imagine all the data that has accumulated from the time you last backed up. It would all be lost if you restore using an outdated backup. But data isn’t the only thing you would lose. By using old backups, you could also be reinstating old system settings that could cause hours or even days of rework.

✅ Do Follow a Backup Schedule

For data backup and recovery, you never want to be forced to use outdated data to restore systems. You want to minimize downtime and maximize uptime, so having updated, active backups is critical. Reinstating old data or system settings means you might lose hours or days of work. Backups should be done consistently on a set schedule that ensures the latest data is always backed up.

❌ Don’t Assume Your Backup Works

Backups aren’t completely foolproof. You might have copied data over incorrectly, or maybe the files got corrupted. You should never assume your backup copies work. Without checking and testing your backups, you might be left with nothing usable when you need them the most. Something as simple as testing your backup can help you not make a disaster even worse.

✅ Do Test Your Backups

By testing your backups, you can verify that your data and systems are recoverable in the event of a cyberattack, hardware failure, outage, or other disaster. You should also regularly test and check to make sure your backups are working properly. One test is simply not enough. Be sure to incorporate testing into your data backup and recovery strategy.

❌ Don’t Neglect Privacy

We all know that data privacy is a primary concern for many businesses – especially as new laws and industry regulations are evolving to include data privacy requirements. While you may be taking every precaution when it comes to data privacy, if you’re not encrypting your local, cloud, or off-premises backups you could be at risk of a data breach.

✅ Do Encrypt Backups

Data privacy and security are incredibly important, whether it’s stored locally on-site, on the cloud, or off-premise. Backups should always be encrypted to maintain the highest security standards to ensure data remains secure. Always encrypt your backups wherever they are housed so that data remains secure. Plus, you stay compliant with industry regulations.

Utilize TPx’s Managed Data Backup and Recovery Service

For proactive, data backup and recovery, TPx’s Managed Backups solution not only doesn’t break the bank but also provides an unbeatable peace of mind and security. This unique hybrid solution helps protect critical systems by storing data both on-site and in a secure cloud location. Enjoy additional security, flexibility, and redundancy when you need it most. Contact our sales team today to learn how we can help you with your data backup and recovery needs.