Poly Edge E Series
Office Zones
Office Zones remove the dependency between Location-based Calling Restriction and Roaming.
Call Recording Platform
If you have Call Recording assigned to any users in your group, you will see this option in the UCx Web Portal. However, there are no settings you will need to change.
Network Classes of Service (NCOS)
Use the Group - Network Classes of Service page to list the Network Classes of Service (NCOS) assigned to your group.
Session Admission Control Capacity
Use the Group - Session Admission Control Capacity page to list the maximum number of concurrent sessions you have been allocated.
Group Paging Targets Capacity
Use the Group Paging Targets Capacity page to display the maximum number of target users each paging group may have.
View the Services Assigned to a Group
Use the Group – Services page to list the service packs, group services, and user services assigned to a group.
Manage Phone Numbers Assigned to a Group
Use the Group – Numbers page to list the phone numbers assigned to your group. From this page you can also view which department and/or user a number is assigned to, as well as the numbers that are available for assignment.
Manage Assigned Domains
Log in to ucx.telepacific.com with your group admin credentials.
Identity/Device Profiles and Endpoints
Use the Identity/Device Profiles page to add, modify, or remove identity/device profiles in the group.